Date: 01/07/1999

Time: 13:40


I would like to apologize for the lack of communication while you were still having your exams honey. Although you might not be able to hear from me from time to time, always remember that my heart is always with you. Right now, I can just count down to the very day that you'll be in my arms again. Do get lots of rest and take good care of yourself. You know I get all worried when you don't feel well or happy right? So, stay happy at all times...Nothing is more beautiful than seeing you smile.

Things that might interest you

For your information, Age of Empires 2 is out!!! I know you like that game a lot so go get a copy of it. I think that is all for now. Will keep adding pages. I was thinking of adding a gallery page for your viewing pleasure. I mean nice pictures, wallpapers and stuffs. Do tell me what you think about this idea okay? Mail me...I can't wait to hear from you again.

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Email: alvinlau1@fortunecity.com